Leslie K Rogers LMBT

Case Study
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Project Overview
This project involved designing and building a website for a professional massage therapist. The website's key features include easy-to-access information about the therapist and the services offered, the ability to schedule appointments, and a point-of-sale system.

I also designed a blog, created several blog posts, and have planned for the ability to promote and offer classes and workshops in the future.

Branding included a logo and wordmark as well as font and color styles. Project research involved competitive analysis, interviews, surveys, and usability testing. The site has been designed in Figma and built using Squarespace.
Project Details
My role: Designer, Developer

Scope: Website design, Website development, Branding

Constraints: An accelerated timeline in order to launch site

Timeline: 8 weeks from planning through delivery

Software: Figma, Squarespace, Notion, Trello, Midjourney, ChatGPT, Canva, Google Drive, Zoom
Research Goals + Methods
My research goals for this project included:
  • Understand User Needs and Goals: Determine what the users are seeking from a massage therapy website, their preferences for booking, their desires for therapy types, etc.
  • Identify User Pain Points: Discover any current issues or challenges users face when navigating existing massage therapy websites or booking services.
  • Uncover User Behaviors: Understand how users interact with the website, their typical pathways, and actions taken on the site.
  • Define User Expectations: Identity what users expect from the website in terms of functionality, look and feel, content, and overall user experience.
  • Determine Key Features: Find out what features and functionalities are most important to the user.
Competitive Analysis
I analyzed seven local massage therapy websites with the following goals in mind: 
  • Understand the strengths and weaknesses of competitors
  • Gain insight into market standards and trends
  • Identify opportunities for differentiation and innovation
Affinity Mapping of User Interview Data
Through user interviews with five participants, key insights were gathered regarding their experiences and preferences when booking massage therapy sessions online. Participants shared their experiences, challenges, and desires for improvement, highlighting important features and visual design elements.
User Personas
These user personas are based on the synthesis of research and competitive analysis, including data from interviews and surveys. Personas help bring to life the needs of potential users, including their goals, challenges, and unique needs and circumstances.
Project Goals
An analysis of business and user goals as well as technical consideration reveals the common goals that are the highest priority for the design.
Feature Roadmap
The feature roadmap defines and prioritizes the features that will be included in the design.
The project sitemap outlines the information architecture for how the site will be constructed.
Primary Task Flows
User and task flows are critical to designing the best possible user experience and define the navigation and structure of the site.
Mood Board
I worked with the client to review sites and styles that she likes, and then created these mood boards using MidJourney AI.
Low-fidelity Wireframes
I created low-fidelity designs using Procreate which allowed me to quickly iterate on several ideas before moving forward.
Digital Wireframes
Bringing the design into Figma allowed me to refine layout decisions and create the overall visual structure of the site.
The logo was inspired by traditional henna mandalas as well as the natural organic form of the lotus flower.
Components + UI
Creating the visual accents and UI components first allowed me to add and combine elements as the design was developing and the site was being built.
High-fidelity Wireframes
I continued to refine my design decisions with the development of these high-fidelity screens while also planning for interactive functionality.
High-fidelity Prototypes
Because I built the site using Squarespace, I was able to prototype flows, link, button, and pages during design as well as development.
Usability Testing
Usability testing was conducted with 5 participants utilizing a variety of methods including: in-person observation, interviews, zoom sessions, phone calls, loom videos, and email correspondence.

In addition to offering general feedback and observations, the findings offer insights into the primary task flows being tested: schedule a massage and contact the therapist.
Revisions and Final Designs
The final designs incorporated feedback from user testing with changes to layout creating more space, to navigation in simplifying the flow, and in greater consistency with the overall design across all screens.
Observations + Insights
In creating the Leslie K Rogers Massage Website, I discovered key insights that revealed exciting directions for both the design and business development. Conversations and surveys highlighted the importance of user-friendly design and secure online transactions, enhancing trust, and simplifying booking.

Recognizing the shift from spa to solo practice, I saw an opportunity to weave personal stories for authenticity. Exploring color psychology emphasized how colors enhance branding impact.

Blending design, function, and branding, I'm set to shape an all-encompassing online experience, extending beyond physical visits into a complete wellness journey represented by Leslie K Rogers Massage.

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I'd be happy to schedule a meeting or a call to talk.

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